Wait! Aren't You Selling Tricks?

Nope, I'm offering something better than tricks: The eye of a seasoned stage director. What does that have to do with magic? Everything!

Let's be honest here, OK? Many magicians spend countless hours practicing the most difficult card slights or coin vanishes. One of the most frustrating things we learn is that if our audience can recognize and appreciate our mastery and technique, we've probably done something wrong. As both a magician and a stage director, I can help you transition from doing magic to performing magic. Entertaining an audience isn't as much about clever techniques as it is about connecting with them and I can help you learn to do that. Allow me to offer you practical direction that will take your act to the next level while teaching you valuable techniques to direct yourself in the future including:

  • Timing individual effects
  • Creating a logical routine and flow
  • Pacing your act so that it builds to a thrilling climax
  • Connecting with and engaging your audience
  • Telling stories that serve a purpose
  • Developing a stage persona (even if that's reinforcing the you in you!)
  • Blocking your movements
  • Selecting production elements (lights, music, even scenery)

Even close up workers will gain benefit from learning how to approach a table, establish trust, and make the magic happen with maximum impact and minimal verbal farting. As an experienced acting coach, I can help you gain confidence in your presentation. As a produced playwright, I can help you develop patter and themes for effects that suit you and your style best. Forget the script that came in the box, let's make your words work for you. If you really want to go deep, allow me to also help you define your values and goals to make your magic more meaningful and satisfying for you as you grow your business.

I'm also available to consult on magic for the stage, film, music and dance. Past credits include work with The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and AMC; and several feature and student films.

You can reach Joe at (845) 670-4699
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